Welcome to Nowhere

I am nowhere man. If you are here you are indeed nowhere. The music in this collection has nothing in common,
other than the fact it comes right out of nowhere.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stephen Scott - Entrada

Stephen ScottStephen Scott via last.fm

Stephen Scott (b. Corvallis, Oregon, 1944) is an American composer best known for his development of the bowed piano (borrowed from C. Curtis-Smith, who invented the technique in 1972), which involves a grand piano being played by an ensemble of ten musicians who utilize lengths of horsehair, nylon filament, and other utensils to bow the strings of the piano, creating an orchestra-like sound. Scott founded the Bowed Piano Ensemble in 1977, for which he composes.

I also recommended Scott's Tears of Niobe on New Albion Records. Listen to the audio stream here.

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