Welcome to Nowhere

I am nowhere man. If you are here you are indeed nowhere. The music in this collection has nothing in common,
other than the fact it comes right out of nowhere.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

George Antheil - Ballet Mecanique

Ballet Mécanique was originally written to accompany a Dadaist film of the same name, directed by Dudley Murphy and Fernand Léger, with cinematography by Man Ray. Originally scored for 16 player pianos and a large percussion battery, Anthiel found it impossible to properly synchronize the player pianos in a live performance - so he substituted four human pianists at the premiere. Thanks to modern technology  this all-robotic version of George Antheil's infamous Dada provocation can now be heard in its original conception. Features new robotic instruments from LEMUR: League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots (http://lemurbots.org)

The setting is the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., March 12 - May 7 2006.

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